Art Gallery
Marie-Chloe Duval
We think and flow 5
13644-3205146 x 4 inches / 15 x 10 cm
We think and flow 4
13644-3205046 x 4 inches / 15 x 10 cm
We think and flow 3
13644-3204946 x 4 inches / 15 x 10 cm
We think and flow 2
13644-3204846 x 4 inches / 15 x 10 cm
We think and flow 1 - Mosaic (20)
13644-32047424 x 24 inches / 60 x 60 cm
Regards #8
13644-74046430 x 30 inches / 76 x 76 cm
Overthink 40
13644-67044265 x 54 inches / 165 x 137 cm
Overthink gold
13644-67043257 x 39 inches / 144 x 99 cm
Overthink no.13
13644-61041260 x 32 inches / 152 x 81 cm
Ailleurs no4
13644-61040221 x 42 inches / 53 x 106 cm
Entre les sommets no8
13644-61039235 x 58 inches / 88 x 147 cm
Entre les sommets no7
13644-61038258 x 37 inches / 147 x 93 cm
Entre les sommets no4
13644-61037236 x 48 inches / 91 x 121 cm
Overthink no26
13644-61035236 x 36 inches / 91 x 91 cm
Un petit monde
13644-61034212 x 12 inches / 30 x 30 cm
Jouer dehors
13644-61033212 x 12 inches / 30 x 30 cm
Entre ici et là no3
13644-61030222 x 36 inches / 55 x 91 cm
Un long fleuve no5
13644-61025130 x 48 inches / 76 x 121 cm
Un long fleuve no.3
13644-61023120 x 24 inches / 50 x 60 cm
Sociabilité no.7
13644-65021148 x 48 inches / 121 x 121 cm
13644-6501918 x 8 inches / 20 x 20 cm
13644-6501718 x 8 inches / 20 x 20 cm
Oublier le temps
13644-61016112 x 12 inches / 30 x 30 cm
Réseaux Ensemble
13644-61015040 x 60 inches / 102 x 152 cm
Réseau #7
13644-61003856 x 66 inches / 142 x 168 cm